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🏷️ Biblo Bio


The default export must be of the type BibloBio.

This is where you define all the basic information for your component.


componentReact.ElementTypeThe component you want to showcase.
titlestringThe name or title of your component.
subtitlestringA short description that will also be visible in the list of components.
descriptionstringA longer description.
tagsstring[]An array of tags.
E.g. ["interactive", "button"]
searchTermsstring[]An array of strings that the search will match up against.
sectionstringThe name of the section. This will take precedence over any other logic to find out which section a component belongs in.
props{}An object defining a default set of props to apply to your component.
wrapperReact.ElementTypeSometimes it's helpful to have your component wrapped in another component.
wrapperStyleStyleProp<ViewStyle>Sometimes it's helpful to just add some styling to the View (or another component) that your component is being wrapped inside.


import { BibloBio, BibloItem } from "@biblo/react-native";
import { Separator, SeparatorProps } from "./Separator";
import { MyWrapper } from "../MyWrapper";

export default {
title: "Separator",
subtitle: "A line",
description: "A line separating two different types of content.",
tags: ["graphics"],
searchTerms: ["divider", "hr", "horizontal rule"],
section: "Atoms",
props: {
style: "dashed",
wrapper: MyWrapper,
wrapperStyle: {
padding: 10,
} as BibloBio<SeparatorProps>;

If you can't or don't want to import an interface or type definition for the props of a component, use this instead:

type SeparatorProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Separator>