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📄 Biblo Items


The named exports must be of the type BibloItem.


titlestringThe title of the state of your component, that you want to show off.
descriptionstringA description.
props{}An object defining a set of props to apply to your component.
wrapperReact.ElementTypeSometimes it's helpful to have your component wrapped in another component.
wrapperStyleStyleProp<ViewStyle>Sometimes it's helpful to just add some styling to the View (or another component) that your component is being wrapped inside.


🌱 Simplest

This is the simplest way to export an example of your component.

const Template: BibloItem<SeparatorProps> = (props) => <Separator {...props} />;

export const Default = Template.bind({});

The title of the example will be Default and it will have no description, no props, no wrapper, no nothing.

🌿 Still simple

Here we'll give it a bit more something something.

const Template: BibloItem<SeparatorProps> = (props) => <Separator {...props} />;

export const Vertical = Template.bind({});
Vertical.title = "A vertical separator";
Vertical.description = "This is the Separator component in its vertical state.";
Vertical.props = {
vertical: true,
Vertical.wrapperStyle = {
padding: 10,

🌴 Advanced

In case you need to use hooks or some other JavaScript logic - here's how you do it:

export const BrandColored: BibloItem<SeparatorProps> = (props) => {
const { palette } = useTheme();
return <Separator {...props} color={palette.brandColor} />;
BrandColored.title = "Colored (brand)";
BrandColored.description = "This is the Separator component in our brand color.";
BrandColored.props = {
margin: true,
style: "dashed",

If you can't or don't want to import an interface or type definition for the props of a component, use this instead:

type SeparatorProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Separator>